Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I feel powerless

I'm attempting to move down the hall. I figure that since I spend more of my time over there than I do in my own flat anyway, it's probably not a bad idea. Also, since there will be an impending homocide if I don't leave this flat, I think it's time to go.

But today, I find out that the flat I want to move into is a "girls only" flat. Apparently they're set up that way for people with "religious regions" why they can't live in mixed company. I wish a few of my flatmates held those convictions currently.

Anyway, I clearly (and forcefully) stated that this was sexual discrimination. She just looked at me blandly and said that it didn't matter... the religious issue trumped my discrimination. Arrgh! If I was in the US, I'd just bitch and moan until I got what I wanted. Over here, the more you bitch and moan, the more they enjoy being their beurocratic-stick-up-the-ass selves and not helping you.

Now, I have to get all of the girls that live in that flat to go to the housing office on campus, and say that it's okay for me to live there. I don't think I can properly explain to the Spanish girl what's going on, or why she needs to go there. Yet again, another lesson on British futility is thrown my way.