Crazy Sexy Cancer
Thanks to Chris Glass, I just saw a trailer for a really interesting looking documentary. Crazy Sexy Cancer follows the life of a young woman who discovers she has a rare and lethal form of cancer, and how she learns to fight it, accept it, and discover herself and what really matters. The trailer's only 7 minutes long, but it nearly made me cry. It just reminded me of what's really important in life, and how quickly our lives can change dramatically.
I want to change some things in my life, and I hope that it'll be easier with Shawn's help when he gets here next week. I want to be healthier. I want to be better at making my own happiness. I want to learn to prioritize better. I want to learn to set better boundaries. I want to live an fuller life. And no, I don't want no damn Jesus, so don't try to sell my any.