Okay, it's official. ISU can go suck a big horse cock and choke to death in the process. I'm so tired of idiocy here at this university.
Today is re-elections day for ISU Student Senate, since the two lead contenders for Pres/VP were so close in votes. It wasn't until I got the Student Union Building that I discovered just how crooked things were this year.
One of the guys running for VP had a booth set up to campaign in there, and had two laptops set up for people to vote. So, as he hands you candy, pens, and other assorted worthless shit, you can handily vote for him!
Disgusted, and thinking that they're doing something wrong, I go to the ASISU Student Senate office to let them know what's going on. There, I'm told that since voting is online, and they can't control who campaigns near any given computer, they decided to allow people to campaign anywhere they damn well please, and can even have their own little "voting booth" of laptops set up for online voting. I asked the Electoral Committee chair why this was even an acceptable option, to which he replied, "well, we get nearly twice as many to vote online as did when it was on paper." Gee, I wonder why. People now get paid to vote, and there's nothing like selling your soul for a handful of cheap-ass candy. I told him that this was morally reprehensible, and that they should be abashed. He told me that I should email him with some suggestions, and then turned around and walked off. Here's an idea, let's not allow our campus to sink into moral bankruptcy and allow bribery for votes. That's disgusting and demeaning.
I can't believe that elections here have sunk to such an all time low on the sleaze factor. There's a very real and important reason that in any other official election, people are banned from campaigning within certain distances of voting booths, including intimidation, bribery, and other morally flawed factors. It's ridiculous that this is allowed to go on with the campus, just because they're too fucking lazy to work on proper electoral methods and are willing to see votes being bought just so that they can brag that they increased voter turn-out.
Thank you, ISU, for proving to me that I hadn't even scratched the surface of reasons to be disgusted with you.