Saturday, January 22, 2005

Blogzilla is attacking!!!

Hey J..., J......., and S....;

I have a terrible confession to make. After slandering blogs in private, public, and even the occasional WebCT discussion, I have joined the ranks of the bloggers. Yes, from now on every random, obnoxious, or tawdry thought will be published to the internet. I realistically don't intend for much to come of it, but at the very least I can pretend that I'm a technological hipster. As an added bonus, this way I don't have to wear ugly John Deere mesh hats like real-life hipsters. Or listen to Tom Waits...gag.

I found a blog by "Barbara Bush" today. I only use quotation marks erroniously to show that there's no way this could really be Barbara Bush. We all know she's an uptight bitch, but this is going too far. I mean, yes, she is a Republican, so it would be a fair guess that she is racist, but would she be so blatant about it? I think not. Anyway, it really did make me laugh. Here's the address: Oh, and when I say I found it, I really mean I stole the link off of someone else's blog. Originality is soooo tiring, so why do anything when someone else will do it for you?

So, let me know if you're planning on joining the ranks of the blogged any time soon. Seeing as you're all quite the trendsetters, you've probably had one going for 6 months now. You probably type on them while listening to the iPods you've been hiding from me all this time, sipping on fine chardonnay and eating exotic cheeses. Bastards.

I'm off to post this on my blog, so the other bloggers don't realize I'm a total loser.

Peace out,