Thursday, February 01, 2007

Busy Lil' Bee

I can't even begin to express how busy and stressful this week has been. I thought last week was bad, but it really doesn't compare to this week. Work, homework, class, projects, etc... it's been non-stop. I feel like I've ran a marathon and no one was even nice enough to provide Gatorade along the way.

Anyway, I've noticed that when you're really busy and can't be bothered... everyone feels the need to bother you. You'll get about 5 IM conversations going at the same time, two text messages, and two call-waiting calls on your cell phone. And during this time, you're trying to work with some damn photo in Photoshop for your book project. *sigh* It's just the way these things work out.

Then, when you're finally free for a bit and able to communicate like a normal human being... nothing. No texts, no phone calls, no IMs... nothing. You're stuck home alone watching Doctor Who waiting for people to respond to your communications while fighting off sleep because you were dumb and only got about 5 hours of sleep last night.