Thursday, April 21, 2005

I'm back...

Well, now that I've probably lost all of my readers, I think it's high time I got back to blogging. Life's still full of crappy decisions that need to be made, and I don't want to make any of them. What about the job? What about Scotland? What about graduating in December? On and on it seems to go, and I just get more confused about what to do.

I've realized that I have a problem dealing with pressure. I tend to just go fetal position, both phyically and mentally, and shut down. I shut myself off from the rest of the world, and then get upset about things. I don't know why I do this, but it makes me upset with myself. Not in a self-loathing-I'm-going-to-burn-random-buildings kind of way, but more just disappointed in myself for recognizing my tendency to do this, but continuing in the same silly patterns.

Well....on that depressing note, I'll just say it again. I'm back!