12-7-06 Comics
Thanks to Rui, I am now officially a Nerd. I hope he feels good about himself. It's not bad enough that I really did have taped together glasses in 3rd grade, but now he's got me into comics again. However, since I realize I will be a nerd, I might as well use up some blog space and devote a weekly rundown to the comics.
I had thought one of the comic shop guys looked rather familiar, but couldn't quite place him. I finally heard his name yesterday, and realized he's my second cousin. Seems nerdiness is in the genes.The Escapists: #1 Okay, the only reason I even sparked interest in this comic was because of the $1 price tag. I kind of figured I could cut it up later and use it in an art project, but I ended up being pleasantly surprised. This comic is based on a make-believe comic character created by fictional comic creators, based on a fiction novel by Michael Chambon. Confused yet? Yeah, me too. It's kind of like that movie Adaptation except there's no masturbating Nic Cage.
Hell, I can't explain it. Just buy it and read it your damn self. It's worth all 100 pennies.100 Bullets #74 I've jumped into this comic extremely late (especially since there are only supposed to be 100 issues) but I'm really enjoying it already. Last month, I jumped into part 3 of a 4 part story arc, and was incredibly confused. Suddenly, at the end of this issue, so many things made sense. I'm falling in love with the gritty story telling, and the just as gritty art work.
I'm also collecting these for the cover art. I love the covers on this series, and would love to have prints in my apartment. And yes, I realize how lame that sounds.Ghost Rider #1 Once again, the flame-headed biker of death is back, due to fans bitching and moaning. Well, that's what they try to tell us, but we all know it's really because there's a movie coming out next summer, starring Nic Cage. Ack! He's all over this entry!
This issue was pretty good, and featured incredible artwork. My only complaint is that Satan looks just like the Tim Curry evil guy in Legend. I'd have officially burned my copy if there had been a Tom Cruise look alike though.