Thursday, June 09, 2005

Jane Austen

Laird's comment on the last post made me think of old phrases, such as "pray tell" that just aren't used very much anymore, or who's definitions have changed dramatically. So, I'll dedicate this post to two Jane Austen phrases that aren't used the same way anymore.

Make Love: to flirt with, show affection towards, or even brown nose. Used in most Austen books, but the funniest time is when it's used by the father in Pride and Prejudice about a visiting man. "He'll flounce, and smirk, and make love to us all." Something to that effect. I sniggered when I read it, because that phrase has definitely changed.

Ejaculate: This is a loud, uncontrolled exclamation. Used in most Austen books, but one time it caught me off guard is in Mansfield Park for an argument between Fanny and Edward. Edward gets upset and "ejaculated at Fanny." Whew! Today, he'd go to jail for a number of years, and have to register with the local police department for the rest of his life.

So, here are some ways that normal phrases have changed to become sexual in our time. I entreat all of you to read some Jane Austen books, and see if you can find other examples. I highly recommend Pride and Prejudice and Emma, although they're all great reads.