Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Feeling Kinda Blue

I'm not sure why, but I woke up in a marginally depressed mood today. Actually, I know exactly why I feel that way, but confessing that my lazy ass has come back to bite me on the ass (and you thought that wasn't possible) isn't nearly as fun.

Looking for a reprieve from my conscience, I go to a comedian's site for a little pick me up. I'd seen it linked from another site I trust, so I thought a little peek couldn't hurt. Then what to my wondering eyes should appear... but pictures of animals in casts, making me want to drown my sorrows in beer.

Cute, yes. Cure for mental lethargy, no. Even when I try to convince myself that the puppy just read my entry about beach parties, and wanted to be a Solid Gold Dancer (complete with leg warmers, natch) I still want to attempt to breast feed it back to proper health. And not cry. Because dammit, those eyes make me sad. Sad like the first time I tasted peanut butter here in England, and realized something so beautiful could go so wrong.