Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Joy in the Little Things

I found a can of A&W Root Beer this morning, and I swooned.

I didn't know a can of crap soda could make me so damn happy. See, the thing is, I haven't had a root beer since I got here to the UK. It just doesn't exist over here, as far as I can tell. The soda selection is seriously lacking, and to be honest, it doesn't taste all that great over here. I think it's because they put aspartame (aka Nutrasweet, aka shite) in almost every drink here, and aspertame is nasty.

Anyway, I was wandering around the Barbican when Rui suggested we check out a little Asian market we'd never been to before. I think they've put in about 5 new stores since I was down there a few weeks ago. Stores here change as often as most people change underwear. Inside the store all sorts of exotic goodies and bad smelling things could be found, and there in the very small refridgerator section... *cue angel music* Root Beer!

I thought Rui would be really impressed with a divine product of American consumerism when he tried it. Instead he just said it tasted like a Portuguese nasal medicine. Bummer. I think too much Six Feet Under is turning him into a nihilist. He wasn't even very impressed with Nutter Butters, and I'd wrestle a lion to the death for a Nutter Butter. And hell yes, I would win.