I had a job interview yesterday for a new job. It's for the HIV/AIDS prevention program on campus, and it would be a really good job. I'd work the same amount of hours that I do now (well, maybe a bit more, but I'd get paid for the volunteer work I do for them now) and it pays about $3 an hour more than my current job. When you make a meager wage, $3/hour is a lot of money.
I'm really hoping I get this job, not just for the money, but also because I want to focus on the educational aspect of the job. I'd love to go to classes to talk about the group, as well as hold workshops to educate people about safer sex. I get really frustrated with the current paradigm that "abstinence only" education is the way to go, for two main reasons. 1) Like that early 90's song says, "people are still having sex." 2) Newer studies are showing that "abstinence only" education works very short term, but then it's been noticed that those educated in this system are even more likely to have have sex in the next year, and do so unprotected. Proper education is the only way we're going to cut down on the AIDS epidemic, but people won't accept that, and it frustrates the hell out of me.
I should know by the end of the week if I have the job or not. I'll let everyone know how it goes.