Juan posted an open letter to a nasty flight attendant on Boozhy. I agree that Juan was a victim of complete stupidity disguised under the banner of religious correctness (the new political correctness turned on its ear.) Go read Juan's Open Letter to see what I'm talking about.
Here's a response I wrote in an online class discussion about regulation of tv content. Nearly everyone in my class felt that tv needed to be moderated with a heavy hand, because things "are getting out of hand!" Anyway, here's my response:
All hail the new American Taliban!!! May your oppression be swift and complete, and your wife's burka cover all but her eyes!! May the Devil be stopped at all costs! It is up to us, fellow American Taliban, to stop the Devil's favorite tool, the television!! He will destroy you, your family, and all that Sheik Bush holds in highest regard. I declare a Jihad! We must take control, so that life will pass as we declare it!
Okay, I'm only half kidding this time, and yes, I hope this does cheese people off. Regulation of content is just a classier way of saying censorship. I'm not sure if I'm a conservative liberal, or a liberal conservative, but I know that I'm against content regulation. The problem is that it's a double-edged sword that will always swing back to cut you in twain. Life is not Burger King, and you can't always have it your way. There are people that would never be satisfied with any amount of regulation, even if we were to make the Taliban look like the producers of Sex and the City. Today's vocal minority will seemingly become tomorrow's moral majority, causing today's sacred cow to become tomorrow's scapegoat. No one's ever content, but they all think they should have the final say in what happens in society.
Furthermore, I'm not sure why you people keep resurrecting the myth that life was so much more classy and morally upstanding in years past. This isn't true, and it has NEVER happened. Every era's had its own flaws, including the mythical fantastic 50's. All you have to do is read a history book, a sociology book, or do a little research to find that we are NOT the most depraved society in the history of mankind, like many espouse today. Take a look at the Greeks, Babylonians, Persians, or Aztecs to see that there are things they did that still leave us aghast.
So, if you think that we should regulate content, just remember that what you hold dear may soon be fodder for regulation in the future. Like the old adage says, "One man's trash is another man's treasure."