Thursday, May 12, 2005

Feeling like a Thursday Morning

I took my last final this morning at 7:30. It was the Spanish final. It didn't go as poorly as I was predicting, but I definitely should have spent more time studying for it. Only about an hour was not enough. I've convinced myself that it wasn't really my fault, because I was a victim of a system that pits all of my finals up against each other. How can I study for Spanish when I've got other finals to study for? How can I study for Spanish when I'm burned out from other exams? See, it's all in how you justify these things to yourself. I'm a master justifier, which I'm not sure is a real word, but I will use it anyway. I am the anti-Dr. Laura!

I went home and watched some daytime television after the Spanish final. Watched some "Cosby Show." Man, that was a good show. However, it all went downhill after Cosby was over. Daytime television is the biggest bunch of snively crap! As if the content of the whiney "My man just plays videogames" talk shows isn't bad enough, every commercial is directed towards people with major issues. Morbidly obese, bad credit, anxiety attacks, adult ADD, low self name it, there's a commercial for it. Each commercial offers a quick fix. Here's my quick fix. Stop watching daytime televison! Get a job! Do something with your life! Don't sit on your ass watching Marcia whine that Jimmy won't support her and their 3 kids...go support yourself and your kids.

Whew! I'm bitchy! Oh crap! Maybe I'm Dr. Laura after all! Worse yet, with all of these hideous contradictions in what I say, and complete lack of empathy, maybe I'm Ann Coulter! NOOOOOO! If you'll please excuse me, I suddenly feel anorexic now. I'll be in the bathroom puking and making up lies if you need me.