Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Presentation Redux

I was approached by a guy in the SU building this afternoon as I attempted to locate some lunch amongst the rubbish they usually display as edible goods. The guy had a serious look on his face, and he informed me that he had been in the class I gave the presentation in last week. He thanked me for speaking, but he stared way too long and much too intently for normal purposes. Yeah, I think he's a big ol' closet case.

Then, I found out he was sitting with the student group from my church that booted me out a few weeks ago. Apparently, he's really involved. I feel bad that I let it be known I'd recently been kicked out of my former church during the presentation, but then again, people should know that's what happens around here.

Anyway, I'm sure he'll have a "fun" few years in store for him. Too bad he couldn't just learn from my example now, and save himself many years of torment and inner turmoil.