4-10-06 Comics
This week was kind of disappointing as far as comics go. I walked out with only two and a half comics. I'm still mad that they haven't gotten in my last issue of 100 Bullets and it'll be 3 weeks late if it comes next Wednesday. Anyway, here we go:
52: Week 22 Some weeks this comic is incredible, while other weeks it could suck start a Harley, because the suck factor is so high. This week, Harley fanatics were pleased. I've debated for a while about continuing my subscription to this one, and this week caused me to consider even more. Lots of loose story lines that went absolutely nowhere, nothing really going on, too many characters to try and keep up with. I'm getting tired of it. Four brilliant writers is a case of too many cooks in the kitchen.
Doctor Strange: The Oath #1 Brian K. Vaughan is one of my favorite writers. I've often said he could write a brilliant comic in his sleep. Well, apparently he heard me, and thought he'd try. It's not that this comic is bad: far from it in fact. I'm just disappointed because it should be brilliant, and it barely shimmers. And the artwork... god, the artwork. The cover says it all. Yes, the rest looks like they asked a bunch of 6th graders to have a coloring contest, and published the winners. Yay for magic markers!
I also got some MAX Comics preview book, which counts as the 1/2 comic. MAX is Marvel's crap answer to DC's Vertigo line. These are the "raw" comics for adults. The sad thing is that Vertigo actually achieves "raw" and edgy, but MAX feels like they just threw in a few swear words so that they could be adult. Kind of like kids that talk dirty about sex, but won't experience it for some time. And if Hellstorm isn't just a ripped-off combination of Hellblazer and Spawn, I don't know what is.