Thursday, October 12, 2006

Mama Said Knock You Out

I'm rambling. My fairly good mood was destroyed about 10 minutes ago when I found that someone complained about our table yesterday in the SUB, and made a lot of seriously false accusations about things that happened. Guess I better get used to it though.
Well, I've since got a little more information about the situation. Apparently the guy went a bit crazy after seeing our table in the SUB, and went on a rampage to various individuals on campus. This includes calling the faculty advisor of the LGBT Student Alliance and giving him an earful of veiled threats. Well, maybe veiled threats... "you'll get yours" and "just see what happens to you" could just be the ravings of a religious nutjob, or the prelude to a hate crime. For once, I'm hoping someone is a religious nutjob.

In the mean time, we've been warned at my new job to call campus security if anyone fitting the description of the guy shows up at our offices. Ah, what an exciting first week on the new job!