Last night was the Wine and Cheese pairing cooking class that S. and I had signed up for a few weeks ago. K. was supposed to go with us, but had a last minute work meeting and had to cancel. Things worked out though, as this opened a spot for W. to join us and Rui.
So, what did I learn last night? A couple plastic cups of wine makes everyone's faces turn red. I'm not sure if it was only the wine, or the combination of the warm room, but at one point, I looked around and it looked more like a high-impact arobics class was going on. The second thing I learned was that while White Merlot may sound exotic and delicious, it practically plays out as nasty Kool-Aid wine. Blech! W. finished our glasses of White Merlot by shooting it, complete with booze grimace afterward. I also learned that "having legs" refers to the wine's ability to stick to the glass, which shows the levels of sugar in the wine, as opposed to the sexiness value of the wine. Finally, I learned that Alice White wines of Australia have short sections of a story on every bottle. Not exactly going to draw me in, but hey, neat marketing ploy.