Make Mine Green
I'm going to the Student Union tonight to watch Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. I did just find out though that the film won't be shown in the usual theatre, but instead will be in one of the smaller rooms. There's refreshments and "a brief discussion" afterward too. Sheesh.
This sounds too much like when Campus Crusade for Christ invites people to see a film, and suckers them into watching the Jesus film with the promise of popcorn and marshmallow peeps. Ah, those sweet, delectible marshmallow peeps. They still don't make up for being suckered into a film based on emotional blackmail. "See, this guy was killed because of you. Now pray to God and have another jelly bean."
Am I just being suckered by a different form of religion tonight? Will there be an alter call to surrender your life to the Ozone? Confess your recycling apathy and break down in tears? I seriously hope not.