Monday, February 07, 2005

Oh Constantine, where art thou?

After class this morning, I found out that my university's having a special sneak preview of the movie Constantine this weekend. I really want to see this movie, but noooooooooo, I have to go to Salt Lake this weekend!! This would be so much better than the sneak peak of "Mean Girls" I got to see last year. My 14-year-old niece was the only one impressed with that.

Raaarrrghh! There goes my chance of writing a review for AICN, and getting to call myself "Blind Carnivore," or something dorky like that. Corey, if you can get out here to Idaho, it's not too late to get you a ticket. I'll even relinquish the "Blind Carnivore" moniker to you for AICN.